National Treasure is a beloved Disney series that has often been panned by critics but continuously enjoyed by audiences. With sequels and TV shows on the way that will continue to move the property forward, there’s a lot of expectations about where the cult classic could go next.

There are so many different fan theories out there and potential ideas for where the series could go next. These are a collection of those ideas, narrowed down into particular concepts and potential storylines; each one is as wild as the next. The series has definitely strayed into odd territory in the past but things might get wilder still!

A Hamilton Mystery

National Treasure’s narratives are entrenched in American history. It really can’t be ignored that Hamilton is one of the most popular musicals in the world currently and has found its own home on Disney+. In many ways, it might not be so crazy to think that the TV show could play into Alexender Hamilton’s real life.

On the other hand, it might be a little wild to make the connection as some have considering how in some ways this would feel like an odd crossover, especially with the original cast present in the series. Since the TV show is centered around an immigrant’s story, there are some storyline connections to draw from though; Lin-Manuel Miranda himself seems to be on board!


There are so many cheesy Nicolas Cage movies out there, but his turn as a magician in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice has to be amongst his most ridiculous. Yet, much like Indiana Jones before it, National Treasure could always go down a more fantastical path for its mysteries.

With the notion that magic might come into play in the future with the likes of Kennedy’s ‘magic bullet’, the likelihood of this actually becoming a reality is very slim, considering how grounded the films are. Regardless, Cage tapping into some sorcery in National Treasure would be a hilarious link to the previous Disney film; plenty of fans have already written their own fan fiction on the theory!

A Secret Child

Every time there’s a soft reboot of a project the same idea is lobbied for again and again. Indeed, it has become a trope of major film franchises now, with the likes of Indiana Jones and Star Wars playing into the idea. What if Ben has a secret child to carry on his adventures? Fans have already had the thought that this could happen!

Whether he has a kid with Abigail or perhaps an unknown child elsewhere, they could be a major part of the team in a new National Treasure show. In reality, the idea is ridiculous and would obviously be mocked for its lack of creativity.

Tomb Raiding

Tomb raiding isn’t a new idea and certainly not unique to the National Treasure franchise as it is found throughout the genre. The general premise is that there are huge tombs and hidden tunnels located in mysterious locations. In National Treasure 2 Ben actually leads the President down one. There’s evidence the idea has been thought about further for the series, considering a previous Tomb Raider game was being re-skinned as a National Treasure title!

Of course, pushing this idea to its natural conclusion it’s easy to imagine that America itself has vast underground worlds to explore. Other properties within the genre could even link these kinds of hidden areas to the likes of Atlantis and other forbidden cities. Considering National Treasure tries to stay a little grounded, tomb raiding on a major level seems a little radical.

Page 47

Nicolas Cage’s best movies often hold a concept that audiences genuinely buy into. National Treasure and its hunting is a great example of that. But the sequel of the series opened up the idea of page 47 in the book of Presidents; a secret that still hasn’t been revealed.

There are so many predictions out there about what could really be on page 47, from evidence of mysterious beings to files on the Watergate scandal. The idea that the TV show, which appears to be based on a different character, would follow up on this seems very unlikely though. It’s wild to suggest that a young protagonist would be given a responsibility clearly intended for National Treasure 3. 


Indiana Jones has once again set the precedent for this and page 47 could provide a few clues as to whether the series will go in this direction, but the idea that aliens could show up in the future is often discussed. Yet it’s a completely silly idea!

Sure there have been conspiracy theories about the temples in South America and the pyramids in Egypt, but did extraterrestrial life really play a part in their creation? For National Treasure, aliens definitely seem too far-fetched for Ben Gates to get involved with, but fans are convinced that Area 51 had to be on page 47!

The Illuminati

Audiences are pretty obsessed with the Illuminati as it’s really one of those narrative concepts that can be applied to any situation. Once again it fits into the genre pretty well, but is Ben and the team really going to go searching for ghosts? The fact is, from professional, college thesis’ to historical journalistic articles, over time there’s been a lot of analysis about the role secret societies could and do play in National Treasure. 

There probably isn’t a secretive organization controlling human history through specific decisions. It’s a crazy idea and one that seems impossible to investigate if the Illuminati is as powerful as many claims it to be. Ultimately, it’s a bit too large-scale for a TV show based around a spin-off character.

There’s so much more that fans would love to see from National Treasure 3 and a spin-off show and crossovers always come into that category. When going through history there are a number of mysterious that could inspire these sequels, many of which might lead back to Pirates.

The idea that Pirates Of The Caribbean and National Treasure could crossover is a fun one but ridiculous; a concept that fans have gone through great lengths to document speculation and theories on, from fanfic to full-on essays! Although both properties are owned by Disney, Ben Gates probably would be interested in Aztec Gold and Jerry Bruckheimer produces both franchises, it’s not really plausible that Gates’ team would have to dive into the mysteries of Davy Jones and survive a Kraken or undead warriors.

Ben Becomes President

The spin-off TV show might only include Ben Gates in a supporting role. There’s a couple of different positions he could fall into but considering the various links towards the presidency, but it could be theorized that Ben himself could be the President. Fans have joked for a while that he was already the Vice President, but some predict he’ll get the top job.

He’d have all of the country’s secrets at his disposal and definitely has the platform to launch a campaign. But would anyone honestly believe that this erratic adventurer could make it to the White House? If he did it’s probably part of an elaborate scheme.

The Moon

Whether it’s the Watergate scandal or some of Nixon’s other secrets held on page 47, there’s a probability that the moon landing could be called into question as some fans speculate. It’s one of America’s greatest achievements so why wouldn’t something be buried beneath that flag?

If Ben Gates actually does go into space it would be a great point of mockery, considering most franchises go to space eventually. It might make sense on the surface, but how would the team even get to the moon in the first place and could there really be anything of worth to discover?