In the Naruto franchise, it seems like every character gets their turn in the spotlight, even though all the fans know it is ultimately Naruto Uzumaki’s story. However, Team Guy’s lone female member Tenten doesn’t get quite as much time to shine as everyone else. In fact, fans never even learn her surname in the entire run of the manga and anime.

We might not know everything about her, but thanks to filler episodes of the anime and statistics in the Naruto databooks, we still learned quite a bit. Fans who aren’t familiar with all of that supplemental material might have missed out on some of that information, which is why we have answers to a lot of potential questions about Tenten.

What Kind Of Shinobi Did Tenten Want To Be As A Child?

The most common dream for children in a shinobi village is to become so great and respected that they are chosen to lead the village. Naruto and many of his friends shared the same dream of being Hokage, but not Tenten.

Instead, as a child, Tenten idolized the Legendary Sannin, specifically Lady Tsunade. She dreamed of following Tsunade’s path as an accomplished shinobi and medical ninja. As she trained, however, Tenten discovered she didn’t quite have the aptitude for medical work, but she was incredibly gifted with weapons and sealing techniques, so she changed her path.

What Is Her Blood Type?

In the world of Naruto, the blood types of many of the main characters are revealed in supplementary materials. That’s because there is a prevalent personality theory in Japan that speculates some personality traits are associated with blood type.

According to the books, Tenten is Type B. Those with Type B blood are said to be friendly, passionate, and creative. Of course, they can also be impatient and reject the help of others. Tenten shares her blood type with Choji, Ino, and Naruto.

Why Did Her Team Take Chunin Exams With Younger Shinobi?

Because Tenten and her team are part of the Konoha 11, it’s easy to forget that they’re actually older than the Rookie 9. Tenten, Rock Lee, and Neji Hyuga all graduated from the shinobi Academy over a year before Naruto and his classmates.

The trio didn’t take their Chunin Exams when given the first opportunity. They all agreed that they wanted more time to train and become a cohesive team. By the time the Rookie 9 were invited to take the exams, Team Guy believed they were ready as well.

What Did Tenten See In The Infinite Tsukuyomi?

During Naruto Shippuden’s Fourth Shinobi World War, the Infinite Tsukyomi was activated, causing nearly the entire world to be caught in the genjutsu that reflected their deepest desires. Tenten’s showed that she only wished for Rock Lee and Might Guy to be less excitable, as she talked it over with Neji Hyuga. That wasn’t all, though.

Tenten’s experience in the Infinite Tsukuyomi was different than many others as she actually became aware that she was in a genjutsu very quickly. It’s possible it’s because she was holding the Sage of Six Paths’ tools when she was taken in. As a result, Tenten tried to expel the genjutsu repeatedly, but couldn’t break free.

Does She Believe In The Supernatural?

For the most part, Tenten is always much more practical and level-headed than her cohorts. The light novels and the Boruto series, however, reveal that she does have some beliefs her friends might not see as quite so level-headed.

When she joins Mirai Sarutobi on a trip, delivering tools to her before staying to enjoy the hot springs, there are rumors of a ghost at one of their stops. Rather than be scared, or provide a logical explanation, Tenten is excited at the prospect of encountering a ghost. She definitely believes in the more supernatural possibilities of life as a shinobi.

What Career Path Does Tenten Follow?

Like several characters from the original series, we learn more about what Tenten is up to as an adult in the Boruto series. Though Boruto does reveal that Tenten is still taking on shinobi missions decades after the events of the original series, it also reveals she has a new career path. Tenten isn’t just gathering intelligence and training new shinobi — she also owns her own business. 

She took her ability to master any weapon put in front of her and transferred that into a lucrative career. Tenten runs her own weapons shop. Considering the shinobi world is in a time of peace when we first see her, most of her sales are probably more for ceremonial weapons. She also keeps the tools that belonged to the Sage of Six Paths on display.

What Is One Of Her Unusual Hobbies?

Ghost hunting isn’t Tenten’s only interest. In addition to her training and her love for weapons and hot springs, Tenten also has another unusual hobby according to the Naruto databooks — she enjoys fortune telling.

The manga and the anime never really go into detail. It’s not clear if Tenten likes to try to read palms or write star charts herself, or if she simply enjoys having other people try to predict her future. Either way, it’s another example of Tenten placing more stock in the supernatural than the more logical aspects of the world.

What Is Her Star Sign?

With her interest in ghosts and learning her future, Tenten would likely enjoy Western astrology as well if given the chance to learn about it. With her birthday on March 9, she would be a Pisces.

If Tenten put stock in her star sign, she would learn that those under the sign are thought to be thinkers who demonstrate the links between harmony and eccentricity. They appreciate art and creativity, are imaginative, and tend to be altruistic. That sounds a lot like Tenten.

There was a tendency in the Naruto fandom to speculate about the potential love lives of characters on the same teams. That’s likely a result of the triangle that developed between Team 7 members Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. While Tenten was never romantically linked with either Rock Lee or Neji Hyuga, some fans thought she and Neji would have ended up together had he lived — and it wasn’t simply because she admired him so much.

During the anime series, the production team actually linked the two of them together in a noticeable way. Neji and Tenten had the same theme music in their pivotal scenes. The only difference was that Tenten’s was played slower. It made fans believe there was something significant between them.

What Does Her Name Mean?

Just like all of the characters in the Naruto franchise, there is an additional meaning to Tenten’s name. Unfortunately, her name has so many potential meanings in Japanese, that the one creator Masashi Kishimoto intended has never been confirmed.

The literal translation of Tenten’s name is “heaven heaven,” but it can also mean “little by little.” It seems unlikely that either of those are what Kishimoto intended. Speculation says that it’s more likely her name is a reference to getting “ten out of ten.” That would go hand in hand with her extraordinary abilities with weapons and her perfect marksmanship.