Following the launch of iPhone 7 and Apple Watch Series 2 this month, a mysterious wireless Apple device has passed through the FCC that doesn’t seem to line up with any known Apple products (via Consomac).

Referred to in the filings as simply a wireless device with model number A1844, what we do know is that the product includes Bluetooth and NFC functionality.

It’s also a low-powered device rated to draw between 100mA and 700mA and between 5.5V and 13.2V. Compare that with the current Apple TV rated at 12V at 0.917A or the iPhone 5 V at 2.4A.

In addition, we see only two torx screws visible on the bottom plate of the device where the regulatory markings are shown (pictured below), the positioning of which seem to hint at a rather small Apple TV-size device, although exact dimensions aren’t shown. 

Apple made sure that the filing leaked minimal details with its usual permanent confidentiality request that removed documents showing block diagrams, electrical schematic diagrams, technical descriptions, antenna gain and antenna locations. The report also notes references to color-coded cables, which doesn’t seem very Apple-like for a consumer facing product, but likely related to Apple’s testing procedures only.