If we didn’t have Disney movies to daydream about, and their many memorable characters and villains to obsess over, then our life would be dull indeed. Disney’s leading ladies, as well as their trusty sidekicks, get all of the attention. And, don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying they don’t deserve that attention, because they do. It’s just that Disney’s princes deserve some love, too, that’s all.

Without guys like Aladdin and Flynn Rider and Prince Charming, where would Disney’s princesses be? And, moreover, where would we be, since these guys are where our image of the elusive “ideal man” originate? Disney’s princes are as complex and unique as the princesses they love. Let’s break down their personality type, Myers-Briggs® style!

10. Prince Naveen - ESFP

Disney’s protagonists undergo significant development in their flicks. That’s kind of Disney’s trademark thing. There’s an emphasis on the characters, and that’s what makes their movies so irresistible.

The Princess and the Frog’s Prince Naveen is no different. At the beginning of the film, Prince Naveen (while he certainly isn’t bad) is lazy, selfish, and vain. But we guess being turned into a frog does things to a person, because by the end of his time spent with the sensible Tiana, he’s willing to own up to his mistakes and he learns to appreciate hard work. Charismatic, clever, sociable, fun-loving, and ever optimistic, Prince Naveen is an ESFP.

9. Prince Adam, AKA the Beast - ISFJ

When Belle first meets Beast in Disney’s classic 1991 film, Beauty and the Beast, he’s just a little irritable. He’s just sort of short-tempered and aloof. He’s just… a bit…oh, look, forget it! We tried to be nice, we tried to sugarcoat it, but there’s no good way to put it. In the beginning, the Beast was downright mean.

But after spending some time with Disney’s Princess Belle (a total INFP), his heart softens. He becomes compassionate, sensitive, kind, selfless, romantic, and trustworthy. In the end, when he turns into a human again, Prince Adam is dependable, loyal, and caring. This Disney Prince is an ISFJ through and through.

8. Prince Charming - ESFJ

Cinderella’s Prince Charming doesn’t really see much character development during his time on screen, but, to be honest, he doesn’t really need to. This guy was mature from the get-go.

Like a true ESFJ, Prince Charming is warm, caring, compassionate, and considerate. He values cooperation, but he’s got no problem pursuing the things he wants. Who could forget his dogged search for Cinderella with only her glass slipper to guide him? And, when he found out the girl of his dreams was a peasant, was he put off? Nope! His heart eyes were too big to see that they weren’t equally matched, socially speaking. Unpretentious, valiant, selfless. Wow, Prince Charming really lives up to his name.

7. Li Shang - ENTJ

Everyone had a crush on Li Shang when they first saw Disney’s Mulan, and if anyone claims that they don’t have a crush on Li Shang even to this day, then, in the words of one of our favorite memes, “Why you always lyin’?”

Oh, come on! How could anyone not like this guy? Li Shang is competent. He’s confident, he’s capable, and, man, is he good at coming up with appropriate and inspirational songs on the fly! This is the guy who should handle any task because he’s always up for the challenge. Decisive, frank, and ready to take action, ENTJ Li Shang is a born leader.

6. Kristoff - ISFP

Kristoff is just a big old sweetheart. He’s kind and selfless and his bashfulness only adds to his charm. Kristoff is individualistic, and he tends to keep to himself, but even though he prefers to keep his own company, that doesn’t mean he hates people. He’s just more of a silent observer type.

Kristoff fits the ISFP mold pretty well, if you ask us. He’s quiet, but once Anna gets to know him, she realizes that he’s sensitive and quirky, too. Loyal and deeply committed to the people he loves, as an ISFP, Kristoff knows how to enjoy the present moment and can adapt to a changing environment.

5. John Smith - ENFP

At the start of Pocahontas, John Smith is calm, cool, and collected when it comes to his ship’s latest voyage. He figures the journey to the new world won’t be unlike his previous adventures, and he feels prepared. He’s also a bit prejudiced when it comes to the Native Americans.

But, to his credit, John Smith is willing to change his stance on the natives after he meets Pocahontas, which proves he’s pretty open-minded. He’s quick to recognize another person’s strengths (and weaknesses), and his dexterity when it comes to reading people, coupled with his ability to improvise his way through just about any situation, makes John Smith an ENFP.

4. Flynn Rider - ENTP

Flynn Rider from Tangled is a guy who really knows how to turn on the charm. He’s a wise-cracking, sassy, sarcastic thief whose narcissistic exterior conceals the fact that he’s actually got a heart of gold.

As an ENTP, Flynn not only accepts a changing environment, he embraces it. The ENTP is a type that loves coming up with new ideas, and they tend to focus on what’s happening right now. They may have a rough idea of what they’d like to achieve in the long-term, as with Flynn’s desire to become the wealthiest person in the history of ever via thievery, but when it comes to orchestrating the mundane minutiae of everyday life? Puts on sunglasses That just ain’t their style, baby!

3. Prince Eric - INFP

Whenever the words “hopeless romantic” start getting tossed around when it comes to a person and/or Disney character’s personality type, we immediately begin to suspect they’re an NF type. When you also consider the fact that The Little Mermaid’s Prince Eric is idealistic, curious, and a serious dreamer, you’re entering INFP territory.

The INFP personality type is tolerant and flexible. They’re great at coming up with innovative ideas, and they want to understand what motivates people and where they’re coming from. The Little Mermaid’s Prince Eric is friendly, caring, and selfless, and he wants to live a life that’s congruent with his deeply held inner values.

2. Prince Phillip - ENFJ

Prince Phillip is everything a movie lover could want in a Disney character. He’s gallant and brave and heroic. He’s also tactful. This guy is persuasive, and knowing how to win an argument really comes in handy when he tries (and succeeds) to convince his dad to let him marry Princess Aurora instead of the girl he was betrothed to.

Easygoing, caring, and concerned with the feelings of others, Prince Phillip is an ENFJ. This Myers-Briggs® type is warm. They’re loyal to the people they love, they enjoy socializing and want to make sure everyone’s having a good time. ENFJs are chivalrous, selfless, and truly, sincerely people-oriented.

1. Aladdin - ESTP

The fact that DJ’s boyfriend, Steve, from Full House voiced the title guy in the 1992 film, Aladdin, still blows our mind. But, that’s neither here nor there. Let’s talk about this guy’s personality. Aladdin is an ESTP all over, and we’re prepared to back that statement up, so fasten your seat belts.

The ESTP is highly adaptable. They’re charming because they possess a boundless energy and an irresistible sense of spontaneity. No wonder Jasmine fell head over heels for this guy! He’s alert and outspoken, even at the risk of appearing bold and cheeky. Adventurous, enthusiastic, and with an appreciation for material comforts, Aladdin the ESTP is a fun guy to be around.