HBO’s Westworld is one of the most intricate and complex stories on television. Each episode tries to delve into serious philosophical, technological, and emotional arcs that aim to expand our minds, challenge how we see the world and engage us as human beings. It’s no wonder why big actors want to join the show for the upcoming third season.

It should be expected that the series will continue to have some of the most interesting characters around. Fans of the show tend to be fascinated by the psychology of these characters but may not be able to get their heads around it. In order to understand these characters, we’ll be using the masterful Myers-Briggs® Personality Test. Without further ado, here are the Myers-Briggs® categories for 10 of the characters from Westworld.

1o. Dolores Abernathy - INFP

Dolores goes on one of the most transformative journeys on Westworld. Therefore, it’s hard to pinpoint her category. However, she spends most of the first season as an INFP. This is because she relies on her intuition most of the time. This intuition guides her to discover a new value to her life and the lives of her fellow hosts. INFPs usually have a strong desire to help others. This trait sticks with her for the entirety of her journey, although for Dolores, as well as her alter-ego Wyatt, “helping people” only means “helping hosts”. By the end of the second season, she balances her INFP with an ENFJ type, as she’s become a natural born leader to a fault.

Bernard - INFJ

Without a doubt, Bernard (AKA Arnold reborn) is an INFJ. This is because he is extraordinarily gentle and caring, which brought him into major conflict with people like Dr. Ford who wanted him to engage in more destructive behaviors. Bernard is also an INFJ because he is highly intuitive and creative.

He lives in a world of hidden possibilities and unearthed meanings. Even though Bernard goes through a lot throughout the show, he is always discovering something fresh, complex, and troubling. Bernard also plays things pretty close to the chest and isn’t concerned with praise for his accomplishments. Instead, he wants to improve himself and the world around him.

William “The Man In Black” - ISTP

If we’re talking about the older version of William, AKA “The Man In Black”, he would almost definitely be an ISTP. This is because he has this uncontrollable desire to find out how things work as well as taking out the rules and regulations that stand in his way. This is what the character is ultimately after throughout his journey in the first two seasons of the show.

He wants to figure out the center of the maze and unearth a new sense of freedom. Of course, The Man in Black is also fiercely independent, which is another common trait for ISTPs. In fact, they excel at being on their own. This is a helpful trait as ISTPs are also prone to outbursts of anger.

Charlotte Hale - INTP

By the end of a very complicated Season Two, it is revealed that Charlotte Hale has become, quite literally, someone completely different than she started out as. But for the vast majority of her time on-screen, Charlotte would be an INTP. This is because she is a natural-born thinker. Her analytical and logical mind helped her climb the corporate ladder and essentially run the massive company at Westworld and the other parks.

But this also means that she’s not very good with people. In fact, many find her to be very insensitive. This is common for INTPs as they are more concerned with ideas and roles than they are with people.

Elsie - INFP

Believe it or not, Elsie shares the same Myers-Briggs® category as Dolores; INFP. Although these two characters are very different, a lot of their function is similar. Like Dolores, Elsie is incredibly loyal and exceptionally curious. While Dolores’ curiosity leads to discovery and evolution, Elsie’s leads her to being trapped in a cave for a great deal of time. This is because Elsie trusts people very easily and will give them the benefit of the doubt even when she probably shouldn’t. This is a trait that many INFPs have. She is also pretty difficult to get to know because she is so private. Luckily for us, she did return so we can get to know her more.

Teddy - ISFJ

The fact that Teddy was an ISFJ was the reason why Dolores (AKA Wyatt) had to take him out at the end of season two. Although Teddy was exceptionally loyal to Dolores, he was also exceptionally kind and committed to trying to make the world a better place without awful acts. Dolores couldn’t deal with this as Teddy would ultimately get in her way. Since Dolores was a stronger personality type, she could take advantage of Teddy and lead him to his downfall. This can happen for ISFJs. Additionally, Teddy showed that he was traditionally and valued stability, which is something we saw a lot of in the first season.

Delos - ESTP

Delos was part of one of the biggest twists and technological developments in all of Westworld. The reason why he was chosen for the experiment was not only because he was the hilariously wealthy owner of Westworld but also because he had personality traits that were worthy of keeping around. Like other ESTPS, Delos was completely bold and yet rational at the same time. He was a risk-taker but always tried to understand his options before jumping off a ledge. His highly competitive edge was something that pushed Westworld to its limits and helped it to evolve. These traits tend to be very common in ESTPs.

Felix - ISFP

Felix is a classic ISFP. His most definitive traits are those commonly found in ISFPs. First and foremost, Felix is sensitive and very kind. This is why Maeve keeps him around and builds a connection with him. At first, she sees him as useful, but soon she finds out that he is loyal and committed. He’s also someone who avoids disagreements and conflict which is good since Maeve isn’t exactly that type. Felix also doesn’t push his opinions and beliefs on others and thrives in an introverted and quiet space. However, when he’s pushed out of it, he’s prone to being stressed. As time goes by, Felix allows himself to grow a bit and may even be back for more.

Dr. Robert Ford - INTJ

Dr. Robert Ford lives in a world of complicated ideas and strategic planning. This is the main reason why he would fall under the INTJ category. INTJs value knowledge above all else. Ford clearly does too, as he is keen to put people to the test. If they show that they have intelligence, he appreciates them more and allows them to excel and live.

Ford is always ten steps ahead of the others and has high standards for everyone else. He wants them to come to his level but won’t give them all the answers. He likes to sit back and observe the world, watch people struggle, and come into themselves or, at least, the selves he wants them to be.

Maeve - ENFJ

To say that Maeve is people-focused would be an understatement. The entirety of her story arc, she is concerned with the well-being of her daughter above all else. This is a common trait for ENFJs who really have strong people skills. Maeve may have been tough, but she also showed great concern for the other women who worked in her business. She gave them love and support in her own way. This understanding and encouragement were also shared with her daughter who she finally got to be connected with, if only for a brief time. This skill also meant that she could influence people into doing the things that she wanted them to do. This allowed Maeve to convince multiple hosts and people to aide her on her quest. And this was all because she was an ENFJ.