The characters of The CW’s popular sci-fi series The 100 are as diverse as they are many. Beyond the original 100, the show expands to include more allies and enemies, as well as the 100’s relatives and friends on the Ark. Each character displays their own set of morals and values, which are reflected in each decision and action they make.

The Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator is a handy tool to group people into sixteen categories. Even within each category, no two people are the same, just as no two characters in The 100 are the same. Some are introverts, driven by logic or emotion, while others are extroverts who love social settings and taking charge.

Clarke Griffin - ENFJ

Clarke Griffin uses her strong morals to guide her. Though she’s confident in herself, she can be quite stubborn, but she tries to put other people first and is determined to improve the world around her wherever she can. Because she’s both action-orientated and people-oriented, she’s an ENFJ.

This personality type is responsible. When Clarke says she’s going to do something, she is. Always eager and willing to take the reigns, ENFJs are sincere in their desire to help others, making them great leaders, like Clarke.

Lexa - ISTJ

The ISTJ, otherwise known as the Logistician, is introverted, observant, thinking, and judging. Lexa demonstrates this type’s reserved nature, but when she’s quiet, she’s usually thinking and plotting. She’s willful and has a logical outlook on life, as is typical of this personality type.

Lexa always considers her actions carefully, planning them out with purpose, and executing them meticulously and methodically. Even when faced with resistance, Lexa remains loyal and dedicated to her duty as a Commander, which is a typical ISTJ quality.

Thelonious Jaha - INFJ

Like the ENFJ, INFJs often demonstrate an innate desire to help people. They want to make sure that everyone is taken care of, that everyone is on equal footing, and that everyone is achieving their full potential. That pretty much sums up Thelonius Jaha, the first Chancellor in the series.

Thelonious is a wise and understanding character. He also strives for fairness, going so far as to send his son to Earth with the 100. He places the needs of his people above his own, which is just like an INFJ. Thelonious is capable, competent, and compassionate, but he’s no pushover. He has a big heart, but he’s got a strong backbone, too.

Harper McIntyre - ISFJ

ISFJs are deep feelers, even when they appear to keep to themselves. Harper demonstrates this emotional sensitivity in every aspect of her life. She always chooses to stick firmly to her morals, even if it means living a lonely life while her friends are on their way to a brighter future.

Harper remains a steady presence throughout most of the series, always warm and unassuming, just like an ISFJ. She’s efficient, responsible, and even though she’s guided by her emotions, she’s good at analyzing facts - which is part of what makes her a perfect–if an unexpected–romantic match for Monty.

Marcus Kane - INTJ

The INTJ is so adept at setting long-term goals and taking the necessary steps to achieve them that they’re frequently referred to as masterminds. Though this personality type is often associated with villains, this doesn’t have to be true. INTJs are often very concerned with people, but their motives can sometimes appear ambiguous; even Kane shifts from villain to hero during his time on The 100.

Marcus Kane is methodical and dedicated. He wants to help humanity as a whole, yet he doesn’t mind sacrificing a few individuals as long as it benefits the many. Although, far from unfeeling, Marcus often comes to regret his decisions. But due to his firm reliance on logic over emotion, and his difficulty processing feelings, he’s an INTJ.

Lincoln - INFP

Lincoln is a character who was gone too soon in The 100, especially given his unique personality. INFPs are quiet, open-minded, and imaginative people, as Lincoln is. Though he stands by his lifestyle, he’s open to understanding the way of life of people like Octavia.

In everything he does, Lincoln applies a caring approach, but inside, he’s deeply passionate. Sometimes labeled idealistic, the INFP can cling a little too tightly to their ideals, but this serves Lincoln until the very end.

Abigail Griffin - ESFJ

Warm, considerate, and conscientious, the ESFJ type doesn’t just like people - they want to help them achieve their full potential. To say that the ESFJ is a people person doesn’t do this type justice. They’re sociable, but they also care very deeply about everyone. This is why, like Abby, they often make great nurses or other carers.

ESFJs tend to be traditional people. They’re loyal to the ones they love and aren’t just willing to put their friends and family first, but they’re even willing to do so to their own detriment. Efficient, dedicated, and hard-working, Abby is an ESFJ without a doubt.

Octavia Blake - ESFP

Octavia Blake doesn’t play by the rules. She doesn’t like being told what to do, which fits into the rebel image she creates for herself from a young age, but it can sometimes land her in hot water. Reckless, outspoken, short-tempered, and super self-confident, Octavia fits right in with the ESFP personality type.

The ESFP enjoys working with other people. They’re very sociable, and they’re also action-takers. They want to get in on a situation and they want to find solutions that provide fast results. Flexible, hard-working, and with a knack for adapting to an ever-changing environment, that sounds exactly like Octavia.

Bellamy Blake - ENTJ

The ENTJ personality type makes for great leaders, and Bellamy Blake is proof enough of that. As an intuitive thinking type, Bellamy is good at reading people and situations. His ability to pick up on patterns helps him predict future outcomes, often with great accuracy, which is what makes him a reliable leader.

Throughout the series, Bellamy makes decisions based on facts. He’s quick to recognize inefficiency and is just as great at coming up with organized, long-term plans to correct them. Though he can seem aggressive and insensitive at times, his protectiveness of his sister Octavia, as well as the other delinquents proves that he cares a great deal.

Echo - ESTP

Echo isn’t afraid to share her opinions and thoughts on any matter, which is just like an ESTP. These energetic and action-oriented people can find a way to navigate any situation, which Echo proves during her time on Skrying - and any other planet or dimension, for that matter.

ESTPs are also known to be social, and while Echo doesn’t always demonstrate this, she quickly grows to love Hope and embraces her as family. Most of all, Echo resembles the ESTP’s tendency to act before thinking - she just goes for it, which balances out quite well with the other personality types on her team.

John Murphy - ENTP

The Myers-Briggs® system doesn’t account for a person’s likes and dislikes; it simply helps explain how a person processes and reacts to information. Many of the personality types might be resourceful and analytical, but perhaps none of them are more so than the ENTP.

John Murphy is adaptable, independent, and quick to respond to a changing environment. Though he appears reserved at times, he’s actually a keen observer of what’s going on around him, and his attention to detail allows him to pick up on things other people might miss. This logical, fact-based approach gives ENTPs like Murphy an edge when it comes to solving problems.

Monty Green - INTP

Monty Green demonstrates many of the INTP’s trademark qualities, including his exceptional level of intelligence compared to other characters on The 100. He avoids conflict and keeps to himself, except when he’s around his friends, where he feels comfortable enough to display his quick wit and sarcasm.

INTPs are logical and theoretical, so while they tend to fixate on the facts, they’re great at analyzing abstract concepts, too. Though he can be short-sighted and skeptical at times, Monty always trusts his gut and is loyal to and protective of his friends.

Raven Reyes - ESTJ

The ESTJ personality type is practical and decisive. They prefer to deal with facts rather than considering abstract concepts. Detail-oriented and results-driven, the ESTJ deals with obstacles with a realistic approach and takes the necessary steps to see every project through to completion.

Intelligent, sensible, and hard-working, Raven has no problems speaking her mind and remains unfazed and determined in the face of a setback. Though Raven doesn’t actively seek to break the rules, she also has no qualms about breaking them when she feels they stand in the way of common sense. She’s competent, driven, and independent, the epitome of an ESTJ.

Jasper Jordan - ENFP

After witnessing the heartbreaking death of Maya, his first love, Jasper’s personality appears to undergo a significant shift. His time as a shy, timid, and soft-spoken character comes to an end, and he evolves into an adventurous, foolhardy, and brave rebel.

Though such a traumatic event causes a major change in his character, Jasper’s basic characteristics remain the same. He’s spontaneous and authentic, wanting to live in the present moment and get in on the action. He’s also curious, warm, and considerate of other people; he wants to ensure others are cared for. Enthusiastic, imaginative, and caring, Jasper’s an ENFP.