The television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ran for nine seasons, ending just this last October. The show was well-received among a wide range of age groups, from children to adults. The show’s main objective focused on friendship and its ups and downs and how to learn from those ups and downs.

The show also focused on the Mane 6 and their fights to save Equestria. The season finales of the show often focused on a major final battle that also tied into a friendship lesson for Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Most of the finales were aired as two-part episodes and broadcasted the same night. These finales generally received high ratings from viewers. Here is a look at all of the series finales ranked according to IMDb, and using the Part 2 ratings, when necessary.

Season 6: To Where And Back Again - Part 1 (8.0) & Part 2 (7.9)

This two-part finale chronicles Starlight Glimmer and her struggles to see herself as a truly changed pony after becoming Twilight Sparkle’s student. In these finale episodes, she is invited back to her old village for the Annual Sunset Festival. She takes her new friend Trixie, both of whom return to Ponyville to find that the changelings have kidnapped the Mane 6 and the princesses.

She, Trixie, Discord, and the now-good changeling Thorax infiltrate the changeling castle and are able to rescue the ponies and show Queen Chrysalis and her changelings that they don’t need to feed off of love to survive, thus making the hive turn good.

Season 3: Magical Mystery Cure (8.1)

In this season finale, Twilight Sparkle wakes up to find that her friends’ cutie marks have been switched, they have switched jobs based on their new cutie marks, and they are failing at those new jobs but are unaware that their destinies have been switched.

Twilight realizes that she accidentally switched her friends’ marks by reading an incomplete spell by Star Swirl the Bearded out loud. She works to complete the spell and switch her friends’ marks back. After successfully doing so, she earns pegasus wings and becomes an alicorn.

Season 5: Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1 (8.3) & Part 2 (8.2)

In this two-part finale, Twilight Sparkle fights to stop Starlight Glimmer, then still evil, from meddling in her friends’ pasts. She is at first unsuccessful, with Starlight going back in time and preventing each of Twilight’s friends from earning their cutie marks, causing a ripple effect in which Equestria in the future is taken over by the Crystal Empire and eventually falls into perpetual night.

Twilight is able to stop Starlight by befriending her during their time traveling, which causes Rainbow Dash to perform a sonic rainboom and earn her cutie mark once again. The Mane 6 all decide to befriend Starlight as a means of keeping her from endangering other ponies again and in the hopes that she will remain good.

Season 8: School Raze - Part 1 (8.2) & Part 2 (8.3)

Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6 leave the School of Friendship in order to confront Tirek at Tartarus about the magic that is disappearing from Equestria. While she is gone, she leaves Starlight and her student Cozy Glow in charge. However, Cozy Glow traps Starlight and fights for control over the school with Chancellor Neighsay.

The Young 6, students at the school, find out that Cozy Glow is behind the magic disappearing and work to stop her with the help of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The Mane 6 learn the same information from Tirek and work to escape Tartarus. Once the Mane 6 return, they confront Cozy Glow, who then is locked up at Tartarus and Twilight is reinstated as headmare of the School of Friendship.

Season 7: Shadow Play - Part 1 (8.3) & Part 2 (8.5)

In these episodes, the pony Sunburst discovers that Star Swirl the Bearded and the other Pillars of Old Equestria are trapped in limbo after banning the Pony of Shadows. Twilight, Sunburst, Starlight, and the rest of the Mane 6 free the Pillars but also inadvertently free the Pony of Shadows.

The Pillars reluctantly work with the other ponies to find a way to banish the Pony of Shadows. Starlight, thinking banishment is not an answer, eventually convinces Twilight that this is a friendship problem. Twilight and her friends then solve the friendship problem between Stygian (the Pony of Shadows) and the Pillars, thus saving Equestria.

Season 1: The Best Night Ever (8.7)

The Mane 6 are invited to Canterlot for the Grand Galloping Gala at Celestia’s castle. Each pony has high expectations for the event, and Spike looks forward to taking the ponies on a tour of his and Twilight’s old home. The ponies instead ignore him and attend the Gala without him.

Each pony is met with disappointment as their nights don’t go as planned. The ponies then accidentally sabotage the Gala in their attempts to make their nights better. They later meet Spike at a doughnut shop where they make amends and realize that being with each other made their nights the best ever.

Season 4: Twilight’s Kingdom - Part 1 (9.2) & Part 2 (9.2)

This season finale introduces Tirek as an antagonist. He escapes his imprisonment at Tartarus and Celestia enlists the Mane 6 and Discord to defeat him before he takes over Equestria. Discord at first betrays the Mane 6 and joins forces with Tirek.

Each of the Mane 6 faces their own friendship challenges having to do with their respective Element of Harmony and earn a key to unlock a chest at the Tree of Harmony. With Discord back on their side and the newfound power unlocked from the chest, the Mane 6 defeat Tirek and Twilight earns a castle located in Ponyville and is named the Princess of Friendship by Celestia.

Season 9: The Last Problem (9.3)

This season finale is also the series finale. It depicts Twilight all grown up and ruling all of Equestria. She also runs the School for Gifted Unicorns and helps a student, named Luster Dawn, learn the lessons about friendship that she had to learn when she was younger.

This episode also shows the day that Twilight was crowned Princess of all Equestria and how she and her friends, in spite of everything going wrong that day, formed the Counsel of Friendship to rule Equestria together and to remain in touch as life takes them in different directions.

Season 2: A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1 (9.0) & Part 2 (9.3)

Twilight and her friends are invited to Twilight’s brother, Shining Armor’s, wedding to Princess Cadence. Princess Cadence antagonizes everyone involved in the wedding preparations, making Twilight suspicious of her. She gets kidnapped by Cadence, only to find out that Queen Chrysalis of the changelings is impersonating Cadence to help her changelings infiltrate Equestria.

Cadence herself was kidnapped like Twilight and the two work together to escape and put a stop to the wedding. Cadence ultimately is able to stop the changelings by using her love for Shining Armor and the power of both of their magic together.

Next: Disney+: 6 Shows On The Streaming Service That Fans Loved (& 3 That Weren’t Worth The Hype)