My Hero Academia is one of the most popular and successful anime shows in recent years. The show is set in a world in which most of the population are born with special powers, or quirks as the show calls them. The existence of these quirks causes the society to develop superheroes and supervillains, both of which are locked in constant battle.

One of the most popular heroes in the show is All Might, a character who passes his quirk onto young Izuku Midoriya (Deku). All Might is a powerful character who was ranked as the number one hero in the world of My Hero Academia. Due to this high reputation, many fans have compared All Might to the Man of Steel himself, Superman.

This article will give 5 reasons why All Might would defeat Superman and five reasons why Superman would beat All Might.

All Might: Sheer Determination

One of All Might’s greatest powers, though not necessarily a superpower, is his sheer determination. It is this determination that allows him to overcome some of the most powerful villains in the show, even is his power is severely waning and he is outmatched in terms of strength.

The most notable example of this was his fight with All for One. During this fight, All Might used too much of his power and exhausted his One for All ability. However, through sheer determination, he was able to summon the strength for one last punch and defeat the villain.

Superman: Cold Breath

While All Might may be powerful, his ability is largely based around super-strength. However, Superman has an array of different abilities in addition to his own super strength; one of these abilities is his cold breath that could allow Superman to incapacitate All Might from a distance.

The ability to incapacitate All Might from a distance is certainly a huge advantage for Superman, and if used correctly, would easily result in a win for the Man of Steel.

All Might: Superman Can Lose To A Beatdown

While Superman is known to be weak to Kryptonite and magic, as well as being powerless under a red sun, Superman is also vulnerable to a beat down. The most infamous case of Superman being beaten to pulp was in the Death of Superman, where Superman was defeated by Doomsday.

Consequently, if All Might is able to launch a beatdown on Superman, perhaps landing the United States of Smash a few times, All Might may emerge the victor.

Superman: Flight

One of Superman’s most famous and envied powers is the power of flight. This not only allows Superman to get from A to B faster than other heroes, but it also grants him a different way by which he can defeat his enemies.

In combination with his strength, Superman is able to pick up his enemies, fly high into the sky, and either drop them or perform an Earth-crushing smackdown. Additionally, if Superman wanted to kill his enemy, he could also fly into space and end the fight straight away.

All Might: Resilient

Even if All Might is outmatched in terms of strength and ability, his resiliency may prove to be an important, and potentially winning, virtue to hold. The anime and manga have shown All Might to be very resilient to attacks, with the hero taking a beating before eventually emerging victorious.

This resilience was seen in both his fight with Nomu and his fight with All for One, both of which showed All Might taking a severe beating before eventually rallying to defeat his opponent.

Superman: Heat Vision

In addition to his cold-breath ability, Superman also possesses heat vision that would prove to be very useful in taking down an opponent from a distance, avoiding any actual hand to hand combat between the Man of Steel and his opponent, which would be terrible for All Might.

As All Might largely depends on hand to hand combat to take down his opponents, even if Superman would be vulnerable to a beatdown, it may be too difficult for All Might to get past his heat vision in order to deliver one.

All Might: We Don’t Know All Might’s Strength Level

As My Hero Academia picks up as All Might’s power wains, we learn little about what the character’s true strength is. Furthermore, All Might is also seen to be limiting his power in order to protect those around him, such as civilians or other heroes, from the aftershocks of his attacks.

It is very possible, therefore, that All Might’s strength level will be a match for Superman’s if he was able to fight without limiting his power to protect those around him.

Superman: Can Move Planets

While we may not know All Might’s strength level, we’ve seen Superman use his strength to its full extent across the years. Consequently, we know that Superman has a strength level that is almost godlike in its ability. For instance, Superman is capable of moving planets with his super strength.

This could lead us to believe that, if Superman wanted to end the fight very quickly and did not care for All Might’s continued existence, he could potentially beat All Might with one, full powered punch.

All Might: Plus Ultra!

While we may not know the true extent of All Might’s powers, it may be that his limits do not actually matter. The show and manga have been clear that All Might has the ability to go Plus Ultra (go beyond) and strike with attacks that hit with more than 100% of his power.

It could be the case, then, that All Might has no limit and if this is the case, he would be possible that, if All Might were able to go Plus Ultra in his fight with Superman, that All Might could defeat the Man of Steel.

Superman: Super Speed

While All Might is shown to be quick in the show, his speed is not even close to Superman’s super speed. Superman is capable of even outrunning the Flash in some circumstances, which would put the Man of Steel at a huge advantage against All Might.

It is perfectly possible that Superman would be able to move so quickly that All Might wouldn’t even see the attack coming, defeating All Might in a flash.