On last Sunday’s new episode of 90 Day Fiancé: TLC is called out by Turkish speaking people that Mursel’s translation wasn’t correct. During the tense episode where Mursel called his parents to reveal that Anna has three children, he’s caught lying again about Anna and throwing her under the bus once again.

38-year-old Anna met 38-year-old Mursel when they connected online through their shared passion for beekeeping. Despite the language barrier, the two began talking and a romance blossomed. The full-time mom of three met Mursel in his home country of Turkey, the two got engaged via social media. Other than the obvious problems of communication, it was revealed that Mursel’s family doesn’t know his bride-to-be is already a mom and wouldn’t approve of her having children out of wedlock due to his Muslim culture. Mursel’s been in Nebraska living with Anna for almost the whole 90 days, and it’s been a struggle for Anna to understand why Mursel can’t stand up to his family and tell them about his soon-to-be step-children, but Mursel insists it will cause more problems than it’s worth.

Anna gave Mursel an ultimatum, telling him he needs to either tell his parents about her three children before they get married, or there will be no wedding. So, Mursel video chats with his parents and drops the bombshell that his soon-to-be-bride is a mother of three boys. On 90 Day Fiancé, there are subtitles for whenever Mursel speaks his native tongue of Turkish on camera. When Mursel told his parents the translation read on the screen, “Anna has three children.” However, according to Soap Dirt, there have been many people who speak Turkish to come forward to claim that the translation was incorrect. They explained that Mursel actually said, “I just found out that Anna has three kids.” 

After Mursel told his mother about Anna’s children, she replied with “She played you for a fool.” Mursel’s mother’s response felt out of place to fans while watching the episode, because why would he be played for a fool if he knew about it? This led fans to believe that it was intentionally mistranslated. In telling that he had just found out about the children, Mursel managed to make himself look better and to make Anna look like a woman who is hiding her children, not the other way around.

Even though TLC mistranslated Mursel’s quote, possibly in order to fit better with the storyline, it didn’t fool the Turkish speaking viewers. Knowing that Mursel lied again about his soon-to-be wife and that TLC didn’t show the truth leaves fans confused and wanting to understand why the network would intentionally mistranslate him. Regardless, the lie didn’t change much of the reality of the situation as Mursel is still calling off the wedding and headed back to Turkey, it just gets added to the long list of lies Mursel has told about Anna and her children.

Next: 90 Day Fiancé’s Michael Was Denied His K-1 Visa, Angela’s Looking for a Loophole

90 Day Fiancé airs Sundays at 8pm EST on TLC.

Source: Soap Dirt