Now that Mr. Robot has officially ended, it’s time to look back on the series and its four great seasons.

The series told the story of a reclusive and mentally ill hacker and cybersecurity engineer named Elliot Alderson, who became hellbent on taking down the corporate world, a society of greed, and a major conglomerate called E. Corp., which he nicknamed Evil Corp. Through an anarchist group called fsociety that he organized with direction from his multiple personalities, he initiated a huge hack known as Five/Nine that took down businesses and caused a massive financial crisis.

In the end (spoiler alerts!), the group was successful in their plan of redistributing wealth and taking down a sinister organization they uncovered called the Dark Army. But not every character’s ending was sweet and fitting. Here’s a look at who got the ending they needed and who deserved more.

Fitting Ending: Elliot Alderson

At the ending of the series, it was revealed that even the Elliot we came to know as the “real” Elliot was not the real Elliot at all. Rather, it was another personality he created in his mind as part of his delusions and multiple personality disorder.

It explained some of his earlier actions, such as not recognizing his sister Darlene. It was a fitting way to end the series, with the real Elliot finally emerging from a hospital bed, coming to a greater realization of who he really was and how his multiple personalities had taken over his mind and actions for so long.

Deserved More: Darlene Alderson

Darlene had a rough ride through the entire series and we would have loved to have seen her get some closure. She was hoping to run off with Dominique, who she sparked up a true friendship, and maybe even romance, with. But that didn’t work out. Then she discovered her brother was severely hurt but thankfully alive and spent her time by his bedside.

While we saw the joy in her face when she realized the real Elliot was finally showing his face, revealing all along that she always knew it wasn’t “him,” she deserved even more happiness after everything she had been through.

Fitting Ending: Phillip Price

Phillip got the ending he deserved, finally turning over a new leaf and working for the good guys. He used his power, influence, and position with the Dark Army to turn on Whiterose and help Elliot and fsociety accomplish their mission of taking her, and her sinister plan, down for good.

Yes, Phillip was killed in cold blood but at least he got his redemption before leaving the world. He did whatever it took to help Elliot, essentially sacrificing his life. He also showed great remorse for having his daughter Angela killed.

Deserved More: Tyrell Wellick

Tyrell was such an integral character from the very beginning, an ambitious corporate climber who seemed to be first at the behest of his wife then willing to do anything for his idol, Elliot. He helped Elliot along the way, available at his beck and call. And he worked as an E Corp. inside man.

In the end, we only saw him walk off in the dark with a gunshot wound, presumably to be left for dead. Surely he could have gotten a more fitting ending that would have wrapped his story up more nicely and recognized his character for the influence he had.

Fitting Ending: Whiterose

Whiterose was the most complex character of the bunch. We never really understood what her endgame was and why she was doing what she was doing. We got a glimpse into her back story and motivations in the final season and understood that she might have, in a twisted way, felt she was doing something for the greater good.

But there was no other way for things to end unless Whiterose was killed. So when her life finally ended, it brought the closure that was necessary for the series.

Deserved More: Dominique DiPierro

Dominique was introduced in later seasons as a clever and skilled FBI agent who was working to take down fsociety and those who caused the Five/Nine Hack. But she quickly got caught up in a much bigger plotline with the Dark Army.

She was lonely and troubled but proved she was a good person. In the end, we would have loved to have seen her and Darlene ride off into the sunset. Instead, we see that she moved back with her mother and was living in constant fear. She deserved a much happier ending.

Fitting Ending: Joanna Wellick

Joanna was one of the series’ earliest villains, the power-hungry wife of Tyrell who seemed to be the one pulling all the strings. In the end, after implicating an innocent man in the death of his wife (when Tyrell was the real perpetrator), she is shot dead by her lover, yet another man she had under her wing.

While she received a fitting ending, sadly, her infant son was never heard of again. Nonetheless, her death was necessary for Tyrell to have the fuel needed to truly work with Elliot.

Deserved More: Krista Gordon

Poor Krista simply wanted to help her patients, including Elliot who she was also terrified of after she realized how he interfered with his life. She was the only person who really understood him and why he was the way he was. And this was used against her when she was kidnapped by Fernando.

While she managed to get out alive, still be supportive of Elliot, and report the kidnapping to the police after Fernando’s death, she deserved more happiness in the end. We would have loved to have seen what happened to her after the sordid ordeal.

Fitting Ending: Fernando Vera

Fernando was an enemy from the beginning as a low-level drug dealer who killed Elliot’s girlfriend Shayla in cold blood. When he had an epiphany and wanted to become a bigger drug kingpin, he sought out Elliot’s help.

He kidnapped both Krista and Elliot and tried to get into Elliot’s head, using Krista to help. The only way out was for him to die and thankfully, he did. His storyline seemed like a weird subplot, so while the most fitting ending would have seen him killed way sooner, him being eliminated as a threat at all, even late in the game, was sweet relief.

Deserved More: Cisco

Cisco, real name Francis Shaw, falls into the “gone too soon” category. Killed at the end of the second season, he was Darlene’s boyfriend and the one person she truly loved beyond her brother.

His death was a complete accident as he was killed in a diner by a shootout between the Dark Army and the FBI. Also a skilled hacker, Cisco could have been a great member of the team and his death sent Darlene on a downward, revenge-filled spiral.