Nothing on international television best represents anarchy than the UK’s sensational wonder, Mr. Bean. This dude (sorry, lad) has become a household name even several years down the road ever since his inception on the idiot box. One could even say that he’s the original absolute “mad lad” given his penchant for natural or accidental chaos.

It’s all in good fun though, but if you’re a walking disaster like Mr. Bean, chances are, people will get hurt from your presence alone. As a result, there have been many, er, “casualties” of Mr. Bean’s shenanigans over the years. No one, whether a friend or a stranger, is also exempted from the British avatar of havoc. Here are 10 of Mr. Bean’s worst transgressions against the world.


Giving people some much-needed haircuts is a generous offer unless you’re Mr. Bean. During the episode “Hair By Mr. Bean Of London,” the silent troublemaker was left behind by his barber in the shop after an emergency. Somehow, Mr. Bean thought it thoughtful to hold the fort for him, so he did the barber’s job.

What happened afterward was one of the most hilarious barbershop comedy skits ever involving a disorganized queue, a murdered ponytail, and a unique punk hairstyle for an aspiring young man. The worst part was Mr. Bean got away scot-free and everyone blamed the real and clueless barber.


All 14 Mr. Bean episodes are funny but the holiday-themed ones were the most special. It’s those episodes where Mr. Bean gets to vandalize the sanctity of Christmas and New Year and ruined Christmas he did… for a bunch of caroling children.

In the “Merry Christmas Mr. Bean” episode, a group of children knocked at Bean’s door while he was waiting for his girlfriend and began singing the most heartfelt Christmas carol ever. They can even give choirs a run for their money. So what does Mr. Bean do to appreciate them? Nothing. He shut the door right at their face as soon as they stopped singing and even tempted them with chocolate before doing so. Classic Mr. Bean.


Speaking of ruining people’s Christmas… Mr. Bean’s girlfriend is also no exception. While they were out Christmas shopping, his girlfriend dropped some blatant breadcrumbs about her wanting to settle down with a gown by showing a wedding ring to Mr. Bean.

So, Mr. Bean obliged (sort of) and bought her girl something related to weddings: a wedding ring promotional photo. There’s more: he also gave his girlfriend a wedding ring box which appeared to have an actual wedding ring but it turned out to be a wall hook, so she can hang the wedding ring picture. Leave it to Mr. Bean to make a breakup hilarious.


It’s already a given that Mr. Bean can and will ruin your business. Too bad his very own dentist isn’t aware of this; the poor doctor even made an appointment with Bean for a tooth operation during the episode “The Trouble With Mr. Bean.”

Aside from nearly causing vehicular carnage while brushing his teeth during driving, Mr. Bean also proved to be the most dangerous dental patient bar none. He accidentally drugged his dentist with anesthesia and knocked him out cold before the dental operation even began. It wasn’t a problem for Bean, he just cleaned his teeth himself.


Despite only having 14 total episodes, Mr. Bean became popular enough to have his own film, titled Bean. It takes place in the US instead of the UK and there, the discord he caused got cranked up to 11. Bean, due to some unfortunate circumstances (again, as usual), had to break in an art museum.

Of course, he had to deal with the guard in order to not get arrested. Hence, Bean spiked the guard’s coffee with a generous dosage of laxatives and sent him back and forth between the toilet and the guardpost like a ping pong ball. It was a bad way to get “Mr. Beaned.”


Poisoning a guard wasn’t the worst thing Mr. Bean did. Let’s not forget the fact that he accidentally ruined a painting worth a fortune… by merely sneezing on it. This was Mr. Bean and surely enough, a sneeze caused a chain reaction; upon the act of wiping off his snot on the painting, he inadvertently also smeared fountain pen ink on it.

Then, upon trying to undo the damage he caused, Mr. Bean completely erased the painting’s face with bleach. He did try to improvise and draw it back but proved that he’s no Rembrandt. The best thing he could do was to replace the painting with a poster of the real thing. Shhh.


Bean wouldn’t be Mr. Bean’s last outing on the silver screen as it was to be followed up by Mr. Bean’s Holiday set in France. You can bet he ruined all kinds of vacations for everyone. One of those unlucky people whose outing he destroyed was a father and son’s even.

Bean, being himself, caused the French dad to miss the train, leaving his son all alone in the train ride. Bean tried to make amends by taking care of the child and even going on a countryside hitchhiking trip with him which practically passes off as kidnapping. In hindsight, he should have just left the child at a police station. Then again, there wouldn’t be a movie that way, now would there?


Bean’s reign of terror in France isn’t limited to child endangerment, though. He has literally caused an explosion in the country, specifically during one scene where he partook in a World War II film shoot for a yogurt commercial.

Bean’s own camcorder ran out of juice and he merely wanted an outlet to charge it.  It just so happened that the outlet he used was rigged to the bomb props in the film set. As such, Bean basically blew up the director (Willem Dafoe) and possibly some of the crew where they even needed an ambulance. Miraculously, it seems the director survived the accident.


Going back to the TV show, specifically in the “The Trouble With Mr. Bean” episode, Bean went around town after his dental appointment where he spotted a child with a remote-controlled boat. The kid was having trouble with his remote control and Mr. Bean stepped in to help, trying to fix the device as well.

Surprisingly, he managed to do it right and the remote control was working again for the boat. However, it seems he tampered with the signal too much that it also took control of an old man’s electric wheelchair. As usual, Bean was oblivious to what he was doing to the old man and his wheelchair and apparently even knocked him off; what cruel fate befell the old man remained unknown.


Despite all the “suffering” he caused, Mr. Bean actually saved someone from a heart attack once. It happened back in “Mr. Bean Rides Again” where he electrocuted a man who collapsed from a heart attack with a car jumper cable. It was a success and the man thanked him and shook his hand but unfortunately, Mr. Bean shook the hand with the jumper cable, making the poor heart attack victim collapse again. Who’d have thought?

An ambulance did come for the poor man but Bean’s car ran out of power. So, he knowingly stole the ambulance’s battery power to jumpstart his car. It worked and Mr. Bean was set on his merry way, possibly killing the heart attack victim he knocked out by disabling the ambulance that would have rescued him. Funny enough (or not) he knew what he was doing in this one.