
A fantastic, if not very accurate, title at BusinessInsider: “Marissa Mayer Just Gave Every Yahoo Employee An iPhone 5”! Well, not really, but it backs up an earlier claim.

The former Google executive did offer high-end smartphones to most of its employees (if the memo BI received is legit) including the iPhone 5, three Androids and a Nokia Lumia Windows Phone. These are probably the top phones on the market today, and they will replace the BlackBerries that Yahoo! employees were given until this point.

The memo is below. Mayer was notorious for her use of Apple’s iPhone, even within the walls of Google.

Clearly, Yahoo will buy a lot of iPhone 5s for its employees if they truly have freewill in the decision.

Moving forward, we’ll offer you a choice of devices as well as provide monthly plans for the data and phone.

The smartphone choices that we are including in the program are:

  • Apple iPhone 5
  • Android: – Samsung Galaxy S3 – HTC One X – HTC EVO 4G LTE
  • Windows Phone 8: – Nokia Lumia 920

We’re getting started right away and taking orders starting now