The items have now been removed from sale, and Apple is suing the company that made them …

Counterfeit power products, such as those supplied by Mobile Star, pose an immediate threat to consumer safety because, unlike genuine Apple products, they are not subjected to industry-standard consumer safety testing and are poorly constructed with inferior or missing components, flawed design, and inadequate electrical insulation. These counterfeits have the potential to overheat, catch fire, and deliver a deadly electric shock to consumers while in normal use.

Apple argues that its own reputation is damaged when consumers buy what they believe to be genuine products which then fail to perform as they should, or which prove to be dangerous. The company is seeking an injunction against Mobile Star selling fake products, destruction of all counterfeit items and damages of $2M per product type.

Given the number of fake Apple products available, we always urge caution where the price is significantly lower than the official price. This is especially true in the case of MagSafe power supplies, where any price lower than available from authorized resellers is an immediate warning flag.