Some interesting news coming out of Mobile World Congress today.  Microsoft-Nokia’s CEO Stephen Elop mentioned some new details of the relationship that weren’t immediately available.  Namely that Microsoft would “invest” billions of dollars into Nokia to help them with their transition.

That’s the cost of doing business it seems.  I wonder what Nokia would have done had Microsoft not paid them those billions of dollars to go WP7?  Perhaps they’d stayed with Meego/Symbian or gone Android?  We’ll never know.  But would it have been a better long term strategy?  How do Microsoft’s other partners feel about injecting a billion dollars into one of their competitors?

As far as ‘new features’ for WP7 in 2011? Well, they have a very webOS-looking multitasking cards thing. Cut and Paste. Twitter integration.  CDMA.  Internet Explorer 9.

All coming this year!

The only differentiator, in my opinion, is XBOX integration.  Yet with only 8000 apps after a year in development, I’ll take the iOS app game library any time.  Even Sony’s Playstation phone beats the XBOX offer, it would seem.

Tell me again why anyone would want one of these over an iPhone (especially a cheaper one)? I see that the interface is nice and easy (not iPhone easy but easy) but iPhone even beat Windows Phone 7 to CDMA and Nokia devices are only going to hit the market in 2012.

I’m thinking #fail.