We told you yesterday about the Trojan named “Crisis“, also being referred to as “OSX/Morcut-A”, discovered for OS X, but it is considered low risk for users. Today, we get some more details about the trojan with security company Sophos explaining the Morcut Malware features code for controlling the following:

  • mouse coordinates
  • instant messengers (for instance, Skype [including call data], Adium and MSN Messenger)
  • location
  • internal webcam
  • clipboard contents
  • key presses
  • running applications
  • web URLs
  • screenshots
  • internal microphone
  • calendar data & alerts
  • device information
  • address book contents

The malware appears to have been specifically created with spying on the user as its goal. There have not been any reported cases of infected users, though, so the threat is still considered low risk.