According to unconfirmed reports, Daniel Radcliffe is in the running for the lead role in Marvel’s upcoming Moon Knight television show. Not much is known for sure about the new Moon Knight series coming to Disney+, aside from the fact that the show’s lead writer, Jeremy Slater, also helped to create and develop the Netflix show The Umbrella Academy. 

Although he hasn’t been featured in the MCU yet, Marvel Studios’ president, Kevin Feige, has assured fans Moon Knight will appear in future superhero films following his television debut. The character has had a large number of different origin stories and depictions since its original creation in 1975, but the most common one sees Moon Knight as the son of a Jewish rabbi who becomes a boxer and a Marine before crossing paths with the Egyptian God of the Moon, Khonshu. While fans aren’t entirely sure which version of Moon Knight stalwart Marc Spector will be appearing in the MCU, now they at least have some hints as to which direction the casting directors are leaning.

As reported by CBR, Harry Potter and Swiss Army Man star Daniel Radcliffe is in the running to be cast as Moon Knight’s titular protagonist. While fans already knew Disney was looking for a Jewish-Israeli Zac Efron-type to play Moon Knight, this is the first hint anyone has gotten about actual actors being eyed for the role.

Planned to come out alongside other Marvel Phase 4 TV shows like She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight has also been rumored to tie into the upcoming Blade movie starring Mahershala Ali in some capacity. While Daniel Radcliffe’s casting is in no way set in stone and is only a rumor, one can only imagine what sort of on-screen interactions Ali and Radcliffe could have together, especially if Radcliffe portrays Moon Knight in one of his split-personality iterations.

While many of the Disney+ Marvel Phase 4 TV shows are years away from releasing, it’s still nice to be able to think about what the possibilities could be. Daniel Radcliffe has grown into a talented actor over the years right in front of the eyes of millions of Harry Potter fans worldwide, and although he has seemingly moved away from the light-hearted fantasy genre to focus on small independent movies and comedy films, the MCU would surely be a better place with him in it, especially if he was portraying a character as versatile and fun to watch as Moon Knight could be.

Next: What Moon Knight’s Live-Action Costume Could Look Like

Source: CBR