The recent release of Monster Hunter World’s massive expansion DLC, Iceborne, has provided players with new monsters to do battle with on top of a new difficulty and gear. The latest expansion has introduced a variety of new mechanics, new versions of previously included monsters, and brought back fan-favorite beasts from early entries in the series. One of these returning monsters is the fan-favorite electrically charged canine, Zinogre. In its base form, Zinogre is a force to be reckoned with. Its powerful melee attacks and its array of electrically charged moves make the beast a formidable opponent. On top of his raw power, Zinogre has an incredibly fast move set that may be difficult to overcome. Take these strengths found in the thunderous monster and now multiply them by 2, and you will have the set up for the new Stygian Zinogre.

Stygian Zinogre is a subspecies of the popular monster. Adding on to his already rapid move list and an increase in damage output will make this version of the monster an even greater hurdle to overcome. With some general tips and tricks on how to handle the beast, Stygian Zinogre will be no harder than his previous incarnation or any of the other monsters on the way to reach his fight.

Understanding Stygian Zinogre’s Dragon Element in Monster Hunter World

The biggest difference between the two variations of Zinogre is their differing elemental type. Classic Zinogre is the most famous thunder type beast in the franchise and makes use of the powerful damage and debuffs presented through the element. Stygian Zinogre possesses the powerful dragon element, which contains the debuff, Dragonblight.

To tackle the Stygian Zinogre a player must have a good understanding of how the Dragonblight mechanic operates. A good way to study this element is to do battle with the hyper-aggressive Deviljho, one of the first dragon element monsters a player can battle. Although not a requirement, facing the Deviljho will serve as good practice to defeating the coveted Stygian Zinogre. The dragon element is effectively another element that a monster can make use of during fights. It can spew powerful dragon energy at opponents and applies the dangerous Dragonblight status. This debuff negates any elemental type effects on a player’s weapons or gear. So if struck with Dragonblight any fire-type weapon will no longer apply the extra fire damage and will only output the standard amount of damage.

This negation effect makes dragon typed monsters a pain to fight, as they have access to moves that make their type weaknesses obsolete. So the best bet to defeating a dragon typed monster is to avoid their dragon moves at all cost. If unavoidable be sure to make use of the powerful dragon mantle, a gadget which allows for dragon effects to be voided in battle. Or simply pack some debuff items such as null berries or even an ancient potion to counteract the effects.

Using the Right Gear to Defeat Stygian Zinogre in Monster Hunter World

An important reality to defeating this new version of Zinogre is to utilize weapons that possess the elemental type he is weak to. Alongside armor that is strong against the dragon element, being properly prepared will make a world of difference when fighting the powerful canine monster.

Ironically both the Zinogres are weak to thunder damage. Given their type, this may come as a surprise but it is the only type they are weak to. So making use of powerful electrically charged weapons will dispatch the large monster in no time. Some good weapon trees to craft would be the Tobi Kadachi tree or the Kirin tree, in order to have access to the appropriate thunder weapons. Farming Tobi Kadachi may be easier due to his relatively easy fight compared to the incredibly frustrating Kirin fight.

Be sure to farm some of the high dragon resistance armor sets before tackling Stygian Zinogre. This will allow a player to take some hits that may have been lethal without the armor. There is a wide variety of dragon resistant armor sets so simply choose your favorite and work to crafting it.

Fighting the Stygian Zinogre in Monster Hunter World

When squaring up against the large beast it is important that players know what is in store for them. Stygian Zinogre shares a variety of moves with his predecessor so combating classic Zinogre is a good way to prepare for the powered-up version of the beast. However, there are some differences between the two that will be hard to prepare for.

Like classic Zinogre, Stygian has a powerful energy blast that can be highly damaging to players. Unlike his contemporary, Stygian’s version of the attack has a tracking element added to it. It can follow players for a hefty amount of time. A good strategy to neutralizing this move is to use the versatile diving dodge move. This move has invincibility and can save a player from massive damage. Another good tip to avoid this move is to allow the blast to track you and redirect it back to the Zinogre.

Stygian Zinogre also possesses a powerful Kirin-like move that launches powerful dragon energy lighting bolts towards the player. These lighting bolts can not really be seen until the strike the ground so be sure to stay mobile to avoid these attacks. They are highly damaging and can spell an early loss if allowed to connect.

Paired with the beasts highly aggressive behavior, quick movement, and powerful lunging claw attacks Stygian Zinogre will be a pain for even the most hardened players. Be sure to stick close to its side to avoid his lunging attacks and hopefully launch some powerful counter-attacks.

The key weakness to Stygian Zinogre is that the more dragon energy is allowed to build in him, is ironically, when he is at his weakest. Although his attacks grow more powerful, his defense grows weaker. If stunned when enraged and full of dragon energy, players can stack on high amounts of damage to the dangerous foe.

Be cautious and before you know it the Stygian Zinogre will be nothing more than another monster to hunt and farm for gear.

More: Monster Hunter: World - Voice Actor & Character Guide

Monster Hunter World is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.