The gigantic glass display spans three 6 lanes of traffic.

Apple’s Hong Kong Flagship store just got the curtain treatment according to a 9to5mac reader Nastypenman.  The IFC center is the gateway to Hong Kong from the Airport rail link (ferry terminal, subways, etc) and is in the heart of Central, Hong Kong’s premiere shopping and business district.  The IFC had evict or relocate about 20 stores on two-three levels, circled below in this Macrumors report from March.  It could be Apple’s most expensive store to date (rent-wise) as Hong Kong’s prices are some of the highest in the world and this is about the most sought-after spot in Hong Kong.

Apple is also rumored to be building another local store, possibly in Pacific Place a short walk away.

A very Apple-like internal picture below:

The news isn’t good for at least one vendor.  IFC’s DG Lifestyle store sells Apple products and is packed every day according to our sources in Hong Kong.  Residents of Hong Kong (and probably a few mainland visitors) also lined up in a big way for the white iPhone 4 launch earlier this year.

Update: New California store coming soon, too! Thanks Kerry Murphey!