This kind of DBMS uses dynamic schemas that mean that you can create records without first defining the structure, such as the fields or the types and their values. MongoDB allows you to change the structure of records, which we call documents by adding new fields or deleting existing ones.

What is MySQL?

MYSQL is a popular and widely used DBMS system. The name is taken from the girl name My, who is the daughter of the co-founder Michael Widenius. The source code of MYSQL is available under the GNU GPL. The project is owned and maintained by Oracle Corporation. It is an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) and works primarily on the relational database model. It makes database administration easier and more flexible. In MySQL, you need to pre-define your database schema based on your requirements and set up rules that help you to govern the relationships between fields in your tables.

Why Use MongoDB?

Here are the main reasons for using MongoDB:

MongoDB is very flexible and adaptable to real business world situations and requirements. Queries can be made to return certain fields within documents. MongoDB supports field, range-based query, regular expression, etc. for searching the data from the stored data. MongoDB is a very easy DBMS system that can easily scale up or down. MongoDB helps you to uses internal memory for storing the working temporary datasets for which it is much faster. MongoDB offers primary and secondary indexes on any field. MongoDB supports the replication of the database. You can use MongoDB as a file storage system which is known as a GridFS. MongoDB offers various methods to perform aggregation operations on the data like aggregation pipeline, map-reduce or single objective aggregation commands. MongoDB allows you to store any type of file which can be any size without effecting our stack MongoDB basically uses JavaScript objects in place of the procedure. MongoDB supports special collection type like TTL (Time-To-Live) for data storage which will expire at a certain time The dynamic database schema used in MongoDB is called the JSON Indexes can be created to improve the performance of searches within MongoDB. Any field in a MongoDB document can be indexed. Replication – MongoDB can provide high availability with replica sets MongoDB can run over multiple servers, balancing the load and/or duplicating data to keep the system up and running in case of hardware failure.

Why use MySQL?

Here are some important reasons for using MYSQL:

Supports features like Master-Slave Replication, Scale-Out It supports Offload Reporting, Geographic Data Distribution, etc. Very Low overhead with MyISAM storage engine when used for read-mostly applications Support for memory storage engine for frequently used tables Query Cache for repeatedly used statements You can easily learn and troubleshoot MySQL from different sources like blogs, white papers, and books.

Features of MongoDB

Here, are important features of MongoDB:

Each database contains collections which in turn, contain documents. Each document can be different with a varying number of fields. The size and content of each document can be different from each other. The document structure of MongoDB is according to how developers construct their classes and objects in their respective programming languages. Rows don’t need to have a schema defined. Instead, the fields can be created on the fly. MongoDB allows you to represent hierarchical relationships, to store arrays, and other more complex structures more easily.

Features of MYSQL

Here, are an important feature of MYSQL:

MySQL is a community-driven DBMS system Compatible with various platforms using all major languages and middleware It offers support for Multi-version concurrency control Compliant with the ANSI SQL standard Allows Log-based and trigger-based replication SSL Object-oriented and ANSI-SQL2008 compatible Multi-layered design with independent modules Fully multi-threaded, using kernel threads Server available in embedded DB or client-server model Offers Built-in tools for query analysis and space analysis It can handle any amount of data, up to as much as 50 million rows or more MySQL runs on many flavours of UNIX and Linux.

Difference between MongoDB and MySQL

Here, are important differences between MongoDB and MYSQL:

Disadvantage of using MongoDB

Here, are cons/ disadvantages of using MongoDB

MongoDB is not strong ACID (Atomic, Consistency, Isolation & Durability) when compared to many other RDBMS systems. Transactions using MongoDB are complex In MongoDB, there is no provision for Stored Procedure or functions, so you can’t implement any business logic in the database level, which you can do in any RDBMS systems.

Disadvantages of using MySQL

Here, cons/drawbacks of using MYSQL

Transactions related to system catalog are not ACID compliant Sometimes a server crash can corrupt the system catalog Stored procedures are not cacheable MYSQL tables which is used for the procedure or trigger are most pre-locked.