Personally, I’m a paperless kind of guy, but if you prefer the old-fashioned look & feel of paper schedules, then Moleskine’s new Smart Planner aims to bring you the best of both worlds …

As Engadget notes, the planner combines a Livescribe pen with sensors embedded in the paper to read your handwriting. Provided that a schedule entry includes a time and a description, the Smart Planner will detect the date and sync the appointment to Google Calendar, from where it can sync with both iCloud and Outlook.

It’s not cheap at $199 for the planner and pen, but once you have those it will only cost you $29/year for a new planner.

If you like the Moleskine look but can’t quite bring yourself to go back to the days of paper based schedules and contacts books, the app launched back in 2015 has you covered. Timepage costs $4.99 from the App Store.

Conversely, if you like the idea of a smartpen but aren’t sold on Moleskine, the Livescribe pens start at a little over $150, with compatible books from under $20.

While I may not be into paper myself, it seems many Apple customers are: Moleskine’s CEO revealed several years ago that its stores do better when they’re close to Apple Stores.