It’s a bit of a rags-to-riches story for Henry Golding, star of Crazy Rich Asians and Last Christmas. Once a travel presenter, he never thought he’d become an actor. When he was approached about a part in Crazy Rich Asians, highlighting the wealthiest families in Southeast Asia, he had no idea he’d land the lead. As Nick Young, the most eligible bachelor in Singapore who takes his American fiancée home to meet his family for the first time, Golding skyrocketed to instant fame. The role garnered him a slew of fans who couldn’t get enough of the tall, soft-spoken, and hunky British-Malaysian star.

Last Christmas sees him team up with Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke, herself an acting ingenue when she landed the role of Daenerys Targaryen in the popular series. In the film, Golding plays Tom, just another lost soul in London during the holidays who fatefully encounters Kate, a young woman on a hopeless downward spiral of self-destruction. Tom’s relentless optimism is infectious, and he helps Kate find her Christmas spirit. Here are five reasons why Henry Golding swept us off our feet in Last Christmas and five why he’s better in Crazy Rich Asians. Last Christmas is currently out in theaters.


Henry Golding’s character in Last Christmas comes across like a walking, talking greeting card. His boundless optimism and endless positivity might seem cloying to some, but he uses it to make people see the best in their lives. Tom’s inner glow encourages everyone to stop, “look up”, and acknowledge the wonder of life happening all around them.

When he meets Kate, a self-destructive woman living in London, he feels compelled to help her. She goes from being a brash, unhealthy, and standoffish person to performing random acts of kindness and appreciating the good things in her life instead of focusing solely on the bad. It’s easy to see why she starts falling for him — he’s a genuinely nice guy with no ulterior motives for his helpfulness.


Crazy Rich Asians, for all its pomp and pageantry, provided a real glimpse into a certain part of Asian culture, located in a certain part of the world. Golding’s character of Nick Young, through his ties to both America and Southeast Asia, provides a unique guide navigating a rich cultural heritage.

Though Nick’s life was filled with a strict adherence to longstanding traditions in his culture, he was able to find ways to fit them into his modern upbringing. His respect for his family and their way of life was endearing as well as honorable, and demonstrated what a stand-up person he was.


Despite being ridiculously good looking with a smile brighter than the Griswold house at Christmas, Golding’s character in Last Christmas has a variety of quirks that make him less superficial than you’d expect. He’s relatable, funny, and odd in the best way. He seems like a more fully-realized person rather than a love interest trope.

When Kate first meets Tom, he’s wearing a tan coat and grey sweater. When she meets him again, he’s wearing the same thing, and always riding a bike. He tends to dance rather than walk down a street, and he also keeps his cellphone in a cupboard. She grows to see his irregular behavior as oddly charming after a while.


Unlike Last Christmas wherein Tom’s family is a mystery, Nick Young’s family is very much a part of his life in Crazy Rich Asians. He’s a devoted son, brother, cousin, and grandson, who is always willing to put the welfare of those he loves before himself.

Nick understands on a deep level the sacrifices that were made for him by his family, enabling him to be afforded every opportunity in life. He’s aware of the financial advantages and influence his family name gives him, and he knows that his accomplishments reflect it.  That being said, he also knows when to show transparency within his familial circle, and make changes to its relationships when he needs to be his own person.


To self-absorbed Kate, Tom’s relentless spreading of cheer and goodwill is overwhelming. She’s far too cynical to understand why anyone would go out of their way for other people, especially complete strangers like herself. But Tom’s perspective that a person can only truly help themselves when they’ve spent time helping others eventually rubs off on her.

Tom goes out of his way to make Kate feel whole again. He’s a guide for her self-esteem recovery, but he makes it clear he’ll only be there for her if she puts in the work. His acts of charity lead him to volunteer at the local homeless shelter, which Kate becomes involved in despite her reservations and pride.


There’s nothing sexier than a man who stands up for his partner, and in Crazy Rich Asians, Nick Young defied hundreds of years of Asian family traditions to marry the woman he’d fallen in love with. Rachel wasn’t the perfect partner that his strict mother would have picked, but she was the woman who would make him the most happy.

The film combined the representation of Asian-Americans as well as Southeast Asians, and how despite appearances, were from two very different worlds. When the worlds collided, Nick knew it would be difficult to navigate the social structure and pressures, but he was willing to handle the discomfort in order to be with the woman he loved.


Before Kate got sick and needed her heart transplant, she was full of optimism. She was kind to her family and friends, and thought of pursuing her dreams of becoming a singer. After she nearly died and needed the emergency surgery, her self-doubt and low self-esteem kept her closed off to others until she’d pushed everyone away.

When Tom comes into her life, he recognizes her talent and encourages her to follow her dreams. He doesn’t give up on her when she greets his positivity with surly derision and cynicism, but works instead to chip away at her outer defenses until she sees the Kate that he sees.


If we’re being honest, the entire cast had phenomenal wardrobes in Crazy Rich Asians. Since the film was based on a novel highlighting the lifestyles and habits of the most wealthy and elite families in Singapore, it’s no wonder that the character of Nick Young should dress well.

As the most eligible bachelor in Southeast Asia, and the prodigal son of one of the most important corporate families, he has a wardrobe that looks right out of the pages of GQ. Every scene he’s in, he’s wearing something tailored and made from expensive fabrics, showing off his tall frame and elegant countenance.


When Kate first met Tom, she was at the height of her self-destruction. Sleeping on random guys’ couches, binge drinking every night, and ignoring her familial and professional responsibilities, she only did things that directly benefited herself.

Tom knew that if Kate continued on her path, she’d not only be miserable, but could easily land herself back in the hospital with heart problems. He encouraged her to try helping others, and when she did, she found that she was much more able to take care of herself. Tom’s endless belief in her better qualities, combined with his positive outlook, inspired her to be a better person.


Despite having every luxury money can buy, Nick doesn’t care about his pedigree. In fact, he’s almost embarrassed by his wealth, which is why he doesn’t even tell his fiancée Rachel the full extent of it. She has no idea she could be marrying into one of the richest families in Southeast Asia when she meets them.

The comportment of those with extreme affluence in Crazy Rich Asians isn’t flashy, indicating that decorum and humility are prized in the family. That being said, Nick definitely has cousins that flaunt their wealth insufferably, making him all the more appealing as a catch. Being a good person is more important to Nick than material possessions.