When it comes to Modern Family, fans have had the pleasure of watching several relationships grow and develop. One that was particularly endearing and relatable was the bond between Alex (Ariel Winter) and Haley Dunphy (Sarah Hyland). By the time the show finished, the two sisters were closer than ever, often seen sharing their secrets or confiding in each other over their worries. They practically became one another’s best friends once they realized that they weren’t different.

However, that’s not to say the relationship was perfect. Like most siblings, Alex and Haley would fight and squabble over the smallest things. There were even a few occasions where fans thought their bond would be jeopardized since they often pulled stunts or said things that would overstep the mark. Luckily, they managed to make it up to each other, but these moments could have certainly backfired and ruined their relationship.

Worst Things That Alex Did To Haley

She Made Haley Feel Insecure About Her Relationship With Dylan

Before they became one of the best couples on Modern Family, Haley and Dylan’s (Reid Ewing) relationship didn’t have the easiest of times (particularly in the beginning). Due to her immaturity and insecurities, Haley would get jealous of any girl who would talk to Dylan and end up doing something irrational. This proved to be the case in “Fizbo” when Haley spotted Dylan speaking to the party entertainer.

However, fans can’t forget that it was Alex who was the instigator in all of this. By telling Haley that Dylan and the entertainer were hitting it off and that he could leave Haley for her, a thought was implemented in Haley’s head that she might not be good enough. Alex had played quite a few harsh tricks in her life but manipulating her sister and taking great joy in playing with her thoughts and feelings may have been a step too far.

She Uses Haley’s Twins For Her Own Needs

Considering that the twins are her niece and nephew, it was quite selfish of Alex to use them for her own benefit (“Perfect Pairs”). Since Haley had really been struggling and was exhausted, she genuinely believed her sister wanted to help her out while also spending time with the children.

Therefore, it’s understandable why Haley is horrified and deeply hurt by Alex’s actions. Not only does she trust her with two of the most important people in her life but the fact that Alex only wanted to watch them if there was something in it for her probably made Haley feel used.

She Ruined Haley’s Favorite Sweater

Fans have seen Alex and Haley come blows several times, but one of their biggest fights arrived in “Two Monkeys and a Panda” when they argue about wearing each other’s clothes. This mainly came as a result of Alex ruining Haley’s sweater, even though Haley asked her not to.

Although Haley was certainly wrong to wish that Alex had never been born, fans can understand why Haley would be frustrated. Since it was her favorite sweater, it’s not surprising that she was very protective of it. The fact that she also entrusted Alex to look after it, it would be annoying for it to not be returned in the perfect condition she gave it out in.

She Intentionally Humiliated Haley With The Battery Incident

It’s probably one of the most iconic scenes on the show and yet one of the cruelest tricks Alex has played on Haley. In the episode “En Garde,” the Dunphy-Pritchett-Tuckers all attend Manny’s fencing competition. Whilst they watch, Alex spews off facts about the origins of fencing to which Haley calls her a nerd.

Alex takes the opportunity to get her revenge when Haley’s phone dies, telling her that she should rub the battery against her head if she wants it to charge. While it would have probably been funny for a couple of minutes, Alex should have stopped it soon after that since there is a huge difference between making an off-hand remark and publically humiliating someone.  Allowing it to go on for 30 minutes probably made Haley feel embarrassed and humiliated.

Her Jealousy Over Haley Bonding With A “Little Sister”

In the episode “Me? Jealous?,” Haley is seen to volunteer for the Big Sister program after she got “creative” with her college applications. Although Haley is hesitant to join, she soon finds herself enjoying the experience and gushes to Alex about the drawing her “little sister” had drawn for her.

However, fans soon see Alex is jealous of Haley’s “little sister” when she compares her own picture to Annie’s. She also mocks Haley’s attempts to tutor Annie, pointing out her mistakes on Annie’s homework. While fans could see understand why Alex was feeling jealous since she had always wanted a close bond with Haley, she shouldn’t have discouraged Haley during this moment. When Haley was a teen, she hardly ever wanted to do anything for someone other than herself so accepting this role showed great maturity. It was quite mean to take this away from her.

Revealing Haley Wasn’t A Virgin To Phil

There is sometimes a bond between siblings that is different from all other relationships. There’s a level of trust, where you know they will have your back no matter what or provide emotional support when needed. However, Alex broke Haley’s trust when she revealed to Phil that Haley had lost her virginity to Dylan.

Unsurprisingly, Haley wasn’t too pleased with Alex spilling her secret, telling Alex that Phil was now treating her differently because of it. It just puts everyone in an awkward situation.

Her Constant Remarks About Haley’s Intelligence

There is one aspect in Modern Family fans detested and that was the pressure the Dunphys put on Haley. As fans know, Alex and Haley were total opposites. Where Haley was more popular, Alex was smarter. Out of the two, Phil and Claire believed Alex was going to make something of herself, which Alex would then use this to hurt Haley.

Very often, fans would see Alex get a jibe in about Haley’s intelligence, targeting her ditzy and gullible nature. Alex even tells her she thinks she is better than her. If this is the kind of attitude Haley faces daily, it’s no wonder that Modern Family fans can’t stand Alex. Haley already knew she wasn’t the most intelligent, and if people expected her to do poorly at school, then it’s no wonder that Haley didn’t try as hard in school.

Worst Things That Haley Did To Alex

Forces Alex To Spend Time With An Ex-Boyfriend Who Was Extremely Overbearing

Although Haley set out to do a nice gesture for her parents, Claire (Julie Bowen) and Phil (Ty Burrell) by cooking a Thanksgiving meal, she didn’t consider what a nightmare it would be for Alex as she was forced to deal with her overbearing ex-boyfriend, who offers to help with the meal (“The Last Thanksgiving”).

Not only is Alex insulted and berated by her ex, but she is also forced to be nice to him because Haley wants the day to be perfect and for the dinner to run smoothly. Modern Family fans have said that Haley’s self-centeredness is her worst trait and this moment proves them right as she does and says nothing when Alex’s ex keeps insulting her sister. No matter how nice the gesture is for her parents, Alex did not deserve this treatment and Haley should have spoken up for her sister.

Insisted That Alex Made Up Her Boyfriend

Although all the Dunphys decided to laugh at the thought of Alex having a partner, it was Haley who took it a step too far when she insinuated that Alex had made up a boyfriend to get attention (“Strangers In The Night”). This upset Alex a lot as Claire and Phil seemed to believe Haley over her and did their best to get her to admit that it was all a lie.

While the family’s surprised reaction is understandable since there aren’t many Modern Family episodes where Alex introduces her love interests to them, they shouldn’t have second-guessed her. Haley shouldn’t have laughed at the thought either as it could have affected her self-confidence and relationships in the future too. This is probably why Alex never let them

She Posted Embarrassing Photos Of Alex Without Permission

There have been plenty of moments where Haley has embarrassed Alex. However, one of the cruelest ways she has hurt Alex the most is by posting humiliating photos of her online. This was particularly seen in “When a Tree Falls” when Alex had informed the viewers that this is a frequent occurrence and she’s asked her not to do this several times.

Although the answer to this wouldn’t be to get revenge (which Alex intends to do), Haley isn’t really being fair to Alex. Posting images of Alex when she’s most vulnerable, such as when she’s asleep, feels like an invasion of privacy and is borderline bullying.

She Gave Alex Terrible Relationship Advice

In “The Kiss,” Haley fails at providing support for Alex when she publicly humiliates herself in front of her crush. This all begins when Haley pressures Alex into kissing Jeremy only for the young teen to return home not long after, telling her mother that all of his friends had overheard her asking Jeremy to kiss her.

Fans expected that Haley would have comforted her sister over what had happened and reassured her it wasn’t a big deal. However, this wasn’t the case as Haley selfishly only cared about how this would end up affecting her reputation. Haley had a prime opportunity to act like a big sister here and she failed to do so, focusing more on her own needs than Alex’s pain.

She Upset Alex By Caring About Her Phone More Than Her

Fans will easily understand why Alex was upset with Haley when she ruined a sisterly moment. In the episode “The Day We Almost Died,” Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and the Dunphys have a near-death experience when their car almost collides with an oncoming truck. In a surprising show of affection, Alex is touched by Haley’s “I almost lost you” comment and her instant hug. It also leads to the sisters having a nice day together.

However, this day is eventually tarnished when Alex realized the comment from earlier wasn’t directed to her but her phone. It’s not all that shocking that Alex ends up feeling hurt and offended. At this point, she and Haley weren’t that close, so this brief moment of affection allowed Alex to believe that Haley cared about her on some level. For Haley to reach for her phone instead of her sister after their near-death experience likely made Alex feel like she did not matter.

Interactions Of Self-Interest

Although Haley had one of the biggest character developments on Modern Family, there were many moments where Haley fell back into old patterns and took advantage of Alex. The first memorable instance being in the episode “Hit and Run” when Haley calls Alex her best friend to get $900 out of her.  Another incident can be found in “Phil on Wire” when Haley decides to help Alex integrate into the class if she helps her with her maths.

If this was how Haley treated Alex, it’s easy to understand why Alex is aloof with her own sister or doesn’t want to be around her sometimes since she seems to care more about her reputation than her family. No one likes to be used and Haley should have treated her with respect.

Sending Her Back To College With Mono

Haley wouldn’t be winning any sister of the year awards for the way she behaved in “A Stereotypical Day.” In this episode, fans found out that Alex had to drop out of college for a few weeks after she contracted mono. Whilst she is recuperating at the Dunphy house, her family decides to use her for their benefit.

However, Haley tries to get her to return to college before Alex realizes she has been fired from her job. She leads Alex to believe that she is the only one who cares about her and offers to drive her to the facility, forcing Alex out of the house. Considering how unwell she was, to the point where she had to physically drag herself out of bed, Haley was being completely inconsiderate. There was no justification in putting her needs ahead of her sister’s health.

Her Constant Insults About Alex’s Social Life

Alex remarks about Haley isn’t a one-way street. Sometimes Haley fails to recognize the comments she makes about Alex’s social life prove to be just as hurtful. For instance, in the episode “Strangers On A Treadmill,” fans see that Alex is upset about the lack of friends in her life - something Haley had been aware of but didn’t really do anything about.

She may act tough and have a witty remark prepared, but it can’t be easy for Alex when Haley mocks her for playing the cello, doing her homework, or having no fashion sense. Where people compare Haley’s intelligence to Alex’s, they also make Alex feel like she will just be her “geeky little sister.” She already gets that at school so the least Haley could do is lay off her at home.