Submitting Messages for Approval

Did you know that you can Compose and submit messages for approval using your smartphone? Just submit a message as a draft and apply a queue priority or set a specific post time via Sprout’s social media scheduler. If the post you submitted is rejected by the message approver you can go back into the Sprout Mobile App and view the feedback they provided. Seamlessly revise the draft from your smartphone by copying the rejected message into a new message and updating it accordingly.

Approving Messages on the Go

Quickly approve or reject a message on the go from within the Sprout Mobile App. Push notifications alert the designated message approver that a post has been submitted for review. If a message is approved, it’s sent directly into the Sprout Queue or is scheduled for the designated date/time based on the settings chosen. If a message is rejected and needs to be revised for any reason, the message approver can add in a note detailing what should be changed or why it was rejected. The writer can use the feedback to revise their content and resubmit for approval. Is your team currently using Sprout’s message approval? How do you plan to leverage this workflow feature on the go? Sound off in the comments below and, as always, let us know if you have any questions.