Mobile Legends is one of the most challenging games in the market and is listed as one of the top games in the smartphone market right now. The game is so challenging and competitive in nature that you have to understand each character’s build and powers to make sure you win. One winning strategy is to master the skill of healing and Estes is just right for that.

Estes is one of the strongest healers in the game and is also king of the woodland elves. He specializes in regeneration sills and has the ability to heal a singular player or the whole team. Apart from this, Estes also specializes in guarding speed debuffs and area attacks. With the right planning and strategy, Estes can help you to make your team members immune to any enemy attacks.

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Mobile Legends Estes Guide | Estes Best Build and Emblem

Estes Character Story: Somewhere in the west of Moonlak, is a habitat of moon elves. Here is Emerald Woodland where the elves originally generated. The eleven kings of this place were badly hurt during the plane war and hence Moon elves lost guidance from the kings. At the night of thunder, Estes woke up, he is strict in nature and entitles to moonlight strength to protect his people. He wants to repel any enemy who dares to violate or conquer his homeland.

Mobile Legends Estes Skills

Estes has three active skills and a passive skill like most other heroes in-game. When combined strategically, you can make the best out of any situation with these skills.

Scripture of the Moon Elf: This will charge energy into Estes solely and when it stacks it up to 100, it will improve his basic attach 250 magic damage. And it will also deal with 125 magic damage to nearby enemies of the main target and will slow them down 60% for 1.5 seconds.

Moonlight Immersion: Estes can grant 70% of total magic power heal to himself and the rest 30% to his allies for 3 seconds. Using both parts can grant 100% healing on a singly ally and also increases physical attack. Although being far from the target will break the healing link and physical attack bonus.


Domain of Moon Goddess: Estes can drop a flood of moonlight upon enemies dealing them with 70% magic damage instantly. This mood damage will also slow down enemies by 90% when they come in contact with the flood of moonlight.

Blessing of Moon Goddess: Estes has the ability to grant nearby allies 140% total magic power heal immediately and 105% magic heal over a course of 8 seconds.

Mobile Legends Estes Skill Combo

The early gaming part of Estes is not very strong and is very vulnerable to enemy attacks. So you have to wait patiently until you unlock ultimate skill level 4 before making aggressive fights.

Since Estes is a support hero and not some fighting tank, you should not initiate team fights at any cost. Let the other fighter/XP members initiate the fight and Estes will extend the healing support from the backline.

Ester can use his Moonlight Immersion skill to check bushes for enemies without going into the bush. This can help your teammates to better spot enemies and plan their attacks.

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You can make the best build with the following powers: Magic Shoes, Enchanted Talisman, Dominance Ice, Dreadnit Armor, Oracle, Fleeting Time.

Mobile Legends Estes Best Emblem 2022

Mastery: gives 1.50%/3%/5% CD Reduction.

Gift: gives 3%/6%/10% bonus healing effects.

Healing Hand: increases physical attack and magic attack by 12-40 (increases with levels) for 4 seconds.


That brings us to the end of Mobile Legends Estes Guide 2022. I have tried covering all the important details regarding Balmond’s character in detail. It will help you to understand her powers better and will help you create the best build and emblem sets.

Please note that Estes is not the strongest character in the game. There are a few characters in which Estes is powerful, but some are not much. Here are some details regarding the same:

Balmond Strong Against – Rafaela

Balmond Weak Against – Freya, Natalia, Karina, Fanny, Eudora