Fans of the iTunes 11 mini-player will be excited for the newest version of the jailbreak tweak MiniPlayer. The 2.0 update brings a newly-redesigned interface that better matches the iTunes version, as well as the ability to dock it on either side of the screen. The docked player can be moved up or down the screen as needed to keep it out of the way of whatever app you’re using.

MiniPlayer has a few settings that allow you to hide it on the lockscreen, whenenver the music is paused, or by triggering an Activator action. Tapping the album artwork brings up whichever app is currently playing music (it works with any background audio app), and tapping the metadata of the song brings up playback controls.

MiniPlayer 2.0 is a free update for existing users, or a $1.99 purchase for new users on the BigBoss repo.